Monday, March 28, 2011


This past weekend my Mom and her boyfriend came down to visit my sister, Jesse and I. On Saturday, following a sangria-soaked lunch at Lauriol Plaza, we took a walk around the Tidal Basin to see the cherry blossoms. They were as beautiful as always but for some reason this year they are much more white than pink. Maybe it has to do with the weather? The credit for this pretty picture goes to my Mom:

Since it is just about peak season for the blossoms, it was extremely crowded down there. This picture doesn't really show the sardine-esque nature of most of the area.

More blossoms! This time I took the photo.

I made Jesse pose with the flowers so I could send the picture to his Mom.

On Saturday night we meandered around Old Town Alexandria. On Sunday we headed out to Eastern Market for some shopping and brunch at Ted's Bulletin. It's a super cute 50's style restaurant that has black and white movies playing and has a pastry chef in the window making old-fashioned pastries. Note: It is best to go in a group of two people. While the wait is horribly long no matter what (they don't take reservations, are extremely popular and the dining room is small), it's really bad for large groups since the majority of the tables are small booths. They told us when we put in our name to come back in 30 minutes. Our total wait time was two hours. Oy. It's a good thing it was worth it! This is their menu, which looks like an old newspaper:

My Mom and sister:
A homemade cherry-filled pop-tart! So worth the wait! They also make their own twinkies and snow-balls. For lunch, I had a grilled cheese and tomato soup.

Us girls:

What a great weekend!

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