Wednesday, September 21, 2011

A Season of Change

For me, September has always been about new beginnings. For 20 years of my life, if we include college and graduate school, it was the start of the school year, complete with a new schedule and new school supplies. It's almost the Jewish New Year, which is a time for reflection on the past year, as well as a time to set intentions for the upcoming year. As the weather changed and the leaves turned colors, it was always the best time of year for me to make changes in my life as well.

In the spirit of new beginnings, I'm back on the wagon in terms of healthy living. Jesse and I had a date at the gym on Sunday (and I am still sore from lifting weights!), we've been taking walks on Shabbat, and I have other workouts marked in my planner. Our fridge is stocked with fresh fruits and vegetables. I'm incorporating a lot more leafy greens into my lunches. I am getting back into a regular yoga practice if it kills me. I'm going back to spinning and Zumba. I'm going to try to get more sleep and journal more often.

This time around--because, let's face it, there have been many times around--I'm focusing on being healthy in a way that is sustainable for a lifetime. Previously, I have wanted to be perfect. One slip up and I was convinced I would be a fat failure for life. I used to refuse invites to hang out with friends if they involved food. This time, I'm focusing on living life but in a better way.

One. day. at. a. time.


Meg said...

good for you lady! it took me a long time to start looking at "health" without seeing "diet" or "restriction." and now that i finally feel like i'm more on the genuine health track, it's absolutely become part of my life. if i'm going to eat something that's higher in fat or carbs, i eat less of it and make sure that the source is whole foods. i remind myself every day of the things i love about myself, inside and out, and work every day at accepting or changing (just a little bit) the things i don't like as much. keep us posted on your progress, and remember that you are beautiful :)
(ps, walks & yoga, fruits & veggies are such a great way to start!)

The Depressed Yogi said...


P.S. I just read Kris Carr's "Crazy Sexy Diet." I think you'd really dig it, not that you need anymore books. ;)

Lauren said...

Thanks, Meg! And Carolyn, I have that book--and met Kris Carr and got her to sign it! It's awesome. I'm trying to eat much closer to the way she does than I have been!