Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Mondo Beyondo!

This week I started an e-course, Mondo Beyondo. The course, in the words of its founders, Jen Lemen and Andrea Scher: "This five week online class complete with inspiring lessons, real life stories, secret missions, audio interviews and hands-on activities will help you take your dreams from the realm of wishing into everyday motion. Supported by Andrea and Jen as your able guides and exclusive access to a community of dreamers, you'll find yourself equipped with the perfect tools and the just right atmosphere to take the risks you've always dreamed of."

There are daily lessons that are posted to the Mondo Beyondo online forum. It has already become quite an amazing community. I have a feeling that this course will be amazing fodder for my journal. Additionally, many of you know that as of late I have felt like I need a new path. I want to shake it up a bit and live a life that makes me happy, proud and fulfilled. I am not sure where those feelings will take me but I have a sneaking suspicion that Mondo Beyondo will get me at least a little bit closer to finding out.
I cannot wait to dream big and explore risk-taking with my fellow Mondo Beyondo-ers!
{Photo credit: D Sharon Pruitt}


Unknown said...

Good for you! Can't wait to hear more :)

Lexington said...

What a beautiful post on Mondo Beyond. I am absolutely adoring the course so far.

Melita said...

sounds fabulous, can't wait to hear more about it.