The woman working there was super nice and we bonded over being the children of hunters who now don't eat meat. There was also a really cute little girl in the store with a ton of food allergies who also didn't eat meat. While her mom was stocking up on things the girl could eat, the girl herself was busy buying all kinds of bumper stickers and buttons for her purse that said things like "I am not a nugget!" with a picture of a chicken. The store was much smaller than I anticipated but it is connected to the warehouse for the website, so the store employees are willing to go get whatever isn't out in the store for you.
Here is a peek at my loot:

The holy grail of vegan cheese: Daiya! I can't wait to try it. I got both the Italian and the cheddar. I think I need to give it a go this weekend when Jesse visits (he too is thinking of doing the Vegan Kickstart).

Sheese in strong cheddar flavor. The store employee said this is good for eating on crackers.

Nutritional yeast! I've been wanting this for awhile as it's a good source of B vitamins and can be used in place of parmesan and other cheeses in certain recipes. I also hear it is good on popcorn.

I *had* to get some Crazy Rumors vegan and cruelty free lip balms. I've heard Colleen talk about these on the Vegetarian Food for Thought podcast. They have flavors based on coffee (the Perk line), teas (the Brew line) and Candycane (flavored peppermint). I got the Spiced Chai and the Peppermint Lemongrass. They are awesome!

A vegan co-worker of mine has been an endless source of information and support. Her nonjudgmental nature has been such a help as I have tried to navigate this food journey of mine. To thank her, I got her these Liz Lovely's "Lovely Oh's", which are essentially Oreos dipped in dark chocolate. She mentioned that she loved them and had a hard time getting out to Pangea.

After the trip to Pangea, I needed to run an errand in the Columbia Heights area. For lunch, I had a vegan empanada at Julia's Empanadas (it had potatoes and lentils...yum!) and I brought home this little treat: a raspberry creme cupcake from Sticky Fingers Bakery. It was DELICIOUS! If you are in the area, you have to try one.
I definitely need to go on more solo sojourns. It was just what the doctor ordered!
Solo sojourns are awesome! So glad you had such fun :) And you will have to let me know how you like the strong cheddar sheese -it's one of my favorites. It's awesome with crackers and also in a sandwich with hummus :)
I sometimes combine a trip to Pangea with a stop at White Flint metro - there's an AC Moore within walking distance, and the Vegetable Garden restaurant is right there. :) It make the trip so far up the red line worth it :)
Sounds like it's worth the trip. I have been meaning to get there myself. One of these days...
Let me know how the Sheese is! I keep seeing it at the Annapolis Whole Foods and wondering whether it's any good.
Ohhhh those are great suggestions! I usually stock up on crocheting supplies at home in NJ at the AC Moore there, so it's good to know that there is one nearby. I'm going to have to try this Vegetable Garden place!!
i love all of your goodies! i cannot find Daiya anywhere!
How fun! I so wish I could've gone with you as that sounds like my ideal Saturday, haha. I'm eager to hear about what you think of your vegan cheese finds...
omg, nutritional yeast is BLISS on popcorn!!! delicious. and jjjjjjust in case you need it, whole foods has it in the bulk aisle, for future reference! xo steph
i love solo sojourns. this one seemed like it worked out perfectly. hugs!!
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